Ruth Snyder, R.N., was diagnosed with autism as a child, and received institutional care. Ruth was unaware of her diagnosis of autism until one of her children was diagnosed as well.

She is a Registered Nurse and the mother of four children, two of which have been diagnosed with autism. She is also a featured author in the magazine “The Autism File,” the books “Asperger’s From The Inside Out,” by Michael John Carley, “Autism Tomorrow,” by Karen Simmons, and the anthology “Autism and Girls” featuring Tony Attwood.


Ruth has presented at many autism conferences, such as Autism Avenue, AutismOne, the Autism Society of America’s annual conference, the Autism Trust USA’s Autism Summit, the Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin’s annual conference, and the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses’ annual educational meeting.


Ruth currently lives in Rockford, Illinois.




First designed May 18, 2014.